Biotech: Drive Productivity with Universal Communication


Biotech firms often have researchers and staff members located around the globe. This makes face-to-face communication nearly impossible. How do companies overcome the associated geographical boundaries in an industry where collaboration and information sharing are key?

Unified Communications (UC) becomes Universal Communications:

Biotech organizations must develop a company culture that leverages communication and collaboration technologies in order to remain competitive and bring products to market faster.
What if there was a tool that could increase productivity at every stage of the development cycle? Meet Microsoft Lync. This unified communication platform connects researchers, staff, partners and distributors through features such as instant messaging (IM), voice, video and telephony.


Benefits of a Unified Communication Strategy:

  • INCREASED PRODUCTIVITY – Access to team members and ease-of-use allow employees to communicate faster and better. For example, instead of waiting for an email response, employees can use the IM feature to see who is available for immediate response.
  • REDUCED COSTS – An all-in-one UC solution can reduce the cost of paying for multiple communication tools separately (or even travel costs). Additionally, the money saved as a result of being more productive is astounding.
  • EFFECTIVE COLLABORATION - Stay in touch anywhere and on any device. This allows for more flexibility in communication and provides the ability to connect with those outside of your organization.

Case Studies:

Learn how biopharmaceutical companies, like Astra Zeneca, use Microsoft Lync to enhance communication, increase productivity and reduce costs within their organizations.

Astra Zeneca Case Study Unified Communication

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